Ruby Datum is the aptest legal technology for complex M&A deals where confidential and sensitive information is exchanged during the due diligence process. During acquisitions, efficiency and speed are most critical. Ruby Datum is a user-friendly platform that can 

  • help define, standardise, and template deal processes that promote a shorter deal cycle thereby streamlining the deal pathway for the acquirer 
  • task management and Q&A help action and track tasks within the portal
  • provide quick access, complete visibility, and control of data – who sees what – to view/download/print across files and folders and tools to double check things. 
  • seamless sharing and collaboration across multiple projects and stakeholders on a central platform 
  • facilitate secure data sharing – ISO27001 certified security, data encryption, redaction, watermarking, and various other security features.

If you would like to find out more, request a demo via our website.