In recent years, virtual data rooms (VDRs) have become an essential tool for businesses to securely store, share, and manage their sensitive data. Traditionally, the primary focus of a VDR has been on providing high-end security and data sharing capabilities. However, as the market has evolved, so too have client expectations. Today, user experience (UX) has emerged as a key differentiator among VDR providers, with clients demanding solutions that are not only secure but also intuitive, customizable, and efficient. One such provider that understands the importance of user experience in the VDR space is Ruby Datum.

The Shift Towards User Experience in Virtual Data Rooms

Simplicity vs. Complexity

Clients increasingly prefer VDRs that are simple and easy to use rather than complex platforms that require extensive training and expertise. A seamless user experience is essential, as it allows for quicker onboarding and minimizes the time and effort spent navigating the platform. VDR providers like Ruby Datum must strike the right balance between offering powerful features and maintaining a user-friendly interface.

Seamless Onboarding and Platform Use

A well-designed VDR should facilitate a smooth onboarding process, with clear instructions and an intuitive interface. The platform must be easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly access and manage their data. Ruby Datum, for example, focuses on streamlining the user experience, which is crucial for reducing the time and effort required to operate the VDR, translating into cost savings for the client.

Branding and Customization

Clients now demand VDRs that can be customized to reflect their own branding, creating a cohesive experience for their users. This personalization helps to build trust and familiarity, as users feel they are working within their own organization’s environment. VDR providers like Ruby Datum must offer a range of customization options, allowing clients to tailor the platform to their unique requirements.

Empowering Users to Self-Serve and Control Their Data

Modern VDRs must provide clients with the tools and features necessary for efficient self-service, enabling users to manage and control their data with minimal assistance. This includes features such as advanced search capabilities, customizable permissions, and detailed activity tracking. By empowering users to self-serve, VDRs like Ruby Datum can help clients save time, effort, and cost.

Balancing Security and Collaboration

While UX is becoming an increasingly important differentiator, VDRs must still prioritize high-end security and collaboration features. Clients expect robust encryption, secure access controls, and comprehensive audit trails alongside the intuitive user experience. VDR providers such as Ruby Datum must continue to innovate and invest in security technologies to maintain client trust and confidence in their platforms.


As the VDR market continues to evolve, user experience has emerged as a crucial differentiator for providers. Companies like Ruby Datum recognize the importance of prioritizing simplicity, seamless onboarding, customization, self-service capabilities, and a balance between security and collaboration. By delivering a superior user experience alongside industry-leading security and collaboration features, VDR providers can help clients save time, effort, and cost, ultimately attracting more clients and standing out in a competitive landscape.