News & Resources
NEWS We highlight the benefits of our partnership scheme to collaborate with law firms and consultants to maximise value to clients and open up additional revenue streams.
READ ARTICLENEWS LAW FIRMS: Revenue Share By Collaborating With Ruby Datum
February 14th 2023
Ruby Datum is looking for partners such as law firms to collaborate with us on our pioneering technology to create packages of information such as fully integrated contract lifecycle, ESG templates, compliance, procurement workflows, due diligence for different verticals, and more.
READ ARTICLEPRODUCT UPDATES Platform Updates – January 2023 – Indenting Of Q&A/Documents, Change Any Phrase, And More!
January 27th 2023
Folder, Document and Question indenting, change any word/phrase on the platform, notes on custom fields, UI improvements, and more…
READ ARTICLEPRODUCT UPDATES Control Your Data Residency With Ruby Datum
January 25th 2023
Host data on, or co-hosted on your own cloud with Ruby Datum, as we release our special connectors for data residency where you choose.
READ ARTICLENEWS Empowering Future Lawyers – Ruby Datum Internship Program
January 23rd 2023
With the intention to empower future lawyers to understand and adopt legal technology and innovation, gain valuable skills and knowledge that can help them in their future careers, we are very excited to launch Ruby Datum’s legal tech internship program for law schools and universities (remote).
READ ARTICLEGUIDANCE The Gift of Listening: Why are companies using this skill more than ever before?
December 23rd 2022
Christmas is the season of giving, joy and hope. What gift can we give in today’s legal industry? How about giving the gift of listening? Listening to your internal and external clients.