Ruby Datum’s family is growing. Our aim is to bring specialists into roles across the board. We’ve recently recruited, and over the next couple of weeks have some big announcements to make. We are pleased to introduce Josh Pratt, our new Marketing Coordinator. Here are a few words from him.

Hi I’m Josh.

I always struggle to talk about myself as I like to focus and specialise in telling other people’s stories. I see story telling as the a core human value, from cave painting to sharing content on social media, we’ve always been engaged with telling people about our experiences, and learning from them.

My story with Ruby Datum started a while back when the founder Nick Watson and I worked on an online music platform called HTF Magazine. Working as music journalists in written, photo, and video formats, our roles were to report our experiences at live music events, music related news, and interviewing musicians. Our paths drifted, but we always stayed in contact. My work with HTF then focused a feature length documentary which is still an ongoing project. During this time my story went in a new direction when I started to work with a creative agency called Wonder Associates.

Looking back, working with wonder is where I learned a lot of skills I use today. They introduced me to working directly with with brands, establishments, and companies in the art and culture sector. They taught me how to turn their stories and ideas into marketing strategies. One project we worked on was called The Shorely, a cultural publication based in the Torbay and funded by Arts Council England. Here, mine and Nick’s paths met again. I reported on a music event Nick was working on and after the interview, he first told me about Ruby Datum.

Fast forward to 2022, Nick shared an Instagram post asking for people to join his team at Ruby Datum and after following their successful crowdfunding campaign, I reached out. Having seen my work first hand, we spent time talking about Ruby Datum’s values and how they wanted to grow. A lot of what Ruby Datum stands for aligns with my ethical beliefs and the way I already live my life. The decision to work together was a really easy one, and we’ve really hit the ground running.

Now, my goal is to tell Ruby Datum’s story. Sharing their innovative product and sharing a new way of working which will be better for companies, employees and the planet.

Nick Watson, founder and CEO commented on Josh joining:

I put out an Instagram story saying we were looking for someone to join us in marketing, and I received so many messages! Josh really stood out because of his enthusiasm. He took the time to research the industry, come forward with ideas, and engaged attentively with us from the start.

Josh loves to travel, so what better way to start his new career with Ruby Datum than to bring him to Ibiza to brainstorm some marketing ideas? Already things are flowing, and we are solidifying a solid marketing strategy, with some great campaigns on the way.