Ruby Datum is looking for partners such as law firms to collaborate with us on our pioneering technology to create packages of information such as fully integrated contract lifecycle, ESG templates, compliance, procurement workflows, due diligence for different verticals, and more. Specifically we are looking to:

  • Centralise leading tech platforms into one package (e.g. contract drafting, analysis, signing, etc) with one login, one platform and smooth flow of data.

  • Templates accompanied by guidance to allow clients to “self-serve”. For example, to work on templated due diligence with accompanied guidance in the form of documents or videos.

  • Repetitive work that can be streamlined into workflows of documents, tasks, and data capture in one simple environment.

You will benefit from:

  • Increased revenue streams by packaging and selling your services as templates.

  • Increased referrals via joint-marketing/collaboration efforts with Ruby Datum, to sell your advanced/bespoke services beyond the platform.

  • Fully branded reseller opportunities (colours, logos, domains, text, data residency etc can all be fully customised) – we are happy to be your white-label provider, even for an initial MVP with almost no risk and a credible reputation of 7 years and experience of 20 years+.

If this is of interest, please book a 15 minute call with Calum:

Quick demo: